184) Hold for Applause
Posted May 23, 2013 at 02:00 am

I'm not feeling 100% awesome today for once, so no huge blog post today. Work's been piling up, writing's been tough, got an emergency dentist appointment coming up, and I'm just feelin' moody. I don't wanna go complaining all over the blog, though. You guys are too cool for that. Especially that guy who's going through the backlog right now commenting on every other page. Yeah, you. You're awesome for marathoning through this. Hell, all of you are awesome! I seriously love seeing all these people show up, talking about how they just discovered it and couldn't stop reading up until this current page! And you guys who caught up awhile back and keep coming back for every new page? You guys are super fucking awesome. Hell, even you guys who checked us out way back when and decided to just wait for a backlog to build up! ALL OF YOU ARE AMAZING PEOPLE! 

So I'm gonna stop being moody and get back to working with Leslie on making more comics for you guys. Thank you all so much! See you Sunday!
