404) What's the Harm
Posted May 17, 2015 at 12:00 am

Inks done by Freeglass.

Man, I've been writing up a storm lately. Usually, I'm kinda slow when it comes to writing Blaster Nation pages, but lately I've just been cranking out pages. I'd be writing pages like, the day before they go up, which is pretty shitty since Leslie has to wait on me. But now, I've got almost this entire chapter written completely in advance. I think you'll like the little twists that come up.

Not much to talk about today. If you haven't seen our other comic yet, I'd advise checking out The Rock Cocks. The current page on there is just a liiiiittle NSFW, but there's a cool little bonus right below that I really want everyone to check out. So, if you don't mind a little adult content, go read it! These last couple of RC pages have made me so happy that we rebooted it, and we've gotten to work with someone really amazing as a result. I hope you'll like it, too. 

That's all for today. SEE YOU ON WEDNESDAY OR FRIDAY
