437) Closure
Posted September 11, 2015 at 02:33 pm

Inks done by Freeglass.

So, I did it. I beat Metal Gear Solid V. A game I've been waiting for five long years to play. I beat it, and now I feel empty. I don't even know if I can tell you why. I don't want to spoil even if I liked it or didn't, but I guess my hesitation to say "I liked it" might spoil that for you as well. For those who have already seen the super secret "true" ending, you probably know how I feel. Was it a game worth playing? Yes, definitely. Gameplay-wise, it's super fun. I just wish the series hadn't ended on this. As big of a Metal Gear fan as I am, I think I'm done for awhile. Even if Kojima somehow does come back to the series, I don't think I'll be dying to play it. Unless of course Platinum makes a new Revengeance. But...I think I'm just done with that franchise for right now. Maybe in another blog post, when more people have gotten to the ending, I'll go more in-depth on how I feel.

MARIO MAKER IS OUT NOW THOUGH AND IT'S SUPER FUN AND YOU SHOULD PLAY THAT SHIT WITH US. My NNID is Bossking, Leslie's is Feeeshy. She made a cute piranha plant level and I've just been playing levels myself until I figure out what kind of level I wanna make.

