457) Mission Accomplished
Posted November 14, 2015 at 09:19 pm


So, my birthday's coming up in exactly a week! Thanks to the overwhelming support of our twitter followers, I'll be throwing a BIG BADASS SYNCHTUBE BIRTHDAY BASH! If you've seen either of our holiday synchtubes, it'll basically be the same thing but without the holiday-theme. I always try to find the weirdest, obscurest, most laughably bad stuff, and this will be no exception. Expect more gambling over Nickelodeon game shows, more weird commercials, more bad video game-related shows, and of course, the adventures of cartoon Rambo. We'll be doing it on November 21st. Stay tuned for more details!

I'm not 15 hours into Xenoblade Chronicles! I've finally made it up to Xord, but the guy whooped my ass. He's been the first real progress block I've encountered in the game. Hell, I thought I had been overleveling since I've been doing every single sidequest I get. I'm at level 24 on all characters but the guy just stomps me. I might just be bad or something, I dunno. I mean, I get that I'm supposed to break/topple him on a chain attack, but it's actually building enough bar to do a chain attack that's fucking me up here. So, I'm going back and doing what few sidequests I have left in the hopes of getting another level or two before coming back. I have a feeling I'm going to be playing this game for an absurd amount of time. I'm just hoping I can get done with the main quest by the time Xenoblade Chronicles X comes out.

Speaking of which, lotta talk about censorship in Nintendo games lately. Nintendo of America has been getting real trigger-happy about censoring content, altering content, and adding their own quirky little touches (memes) to games. Haven't been too happy with NoA. If I can get it, then I want as accurate of a translation as I can get for my games with only the littlest alterations for things that just simply doesn't work outside of Japan or its language. I'm not a 12-year-old kid confused about why donuts look like white triangles in Pokemon anymore. Like, I understand adding more clothes to the underage characters, sure. I get it. But then it's removing somewhat skimpy clothes on characters who ARE of age (in an M-rated horror game where the balance of sexuality and terror makes for an intentionally more uncomfortable scenario suited for its genre). It's altering the context of the stories, removing themes that they seem unfit. It's altering the original text for god awful meme jokes. That, I just can't get behind. I'm okay with them censoring one underage character in Xenoblade Chronicles X, but then they go and alter the religious/divine themes and remove options from the character creator and that just irritates me. Is it a big thing? No on the character creator, yes on the story themes. Is it going to prevent me buying games? I don't know. Is this the definition of first-world problems? Very. But man, I hate people mucking with games. Give me the same experience as the original, dammit, don't decide what's more suitable for us. These are T-rated and M-rated games, and I'm sure Americans can withstand some unlockable swimwear and the mention of fictional deities. Also, never add memes to anything. Ever.

